Children Worldwide

Supporting you and your ministry with children and families.

Meet the team

The Children Worldwide team are based across the UK and work in different ways and in different settings, but all with one shared aim of showing and sharing the Good News of Jesus to the children, young people and families they work with. The team are headed by our Directors, Dave Gidney, and Sarah Covington


Sarah Covington

Sarah Covington

Sarah begun her working life as a primary school teacher but was soon called into children’s ministry and completed Future Builders with Children Worldwide back in 2004. Since then, Sarah has been in full time children’s ministry working for a number of para-church organisations, including Children Worldwide itself. In2014, Sarah joined the staff team of Knowle Parish Church in the West Midlands as their Children’s Minister and continues in that role alongside leading the Whizz Kids team at Spring Harvest, as well as being a National Director of CW.

Something interesting about me
I was once a ball girl at Wimbledon! O.K, so it was actually at the qualifying tournament and I was a student earning some extra money...but still!
My favourite film
There are too many good films to pick just one!
The most exciting place I have visited
Vancouver and surrounding area.
Godrey Omole

Godrey Omole

Chair of CW Kenya

I am a children/youth pastor besides being an Economist by profession. Currently doing degree of theology at the East African School of Theology. I was invited to join CW by Rev Michael Mwanikha more than four years ago. I became the to team leader Children Worldwide Kenya in December 2020. I lead a team of eight members representing different regions. Together we organize and run activities and events across the country to reach the children with the true gospel of Jesus Christ as well as mentor them to become kingdom champions. In CW team we have found network of friends and partners who have prayed with us and supported us in promoting excellence in children ministry in our regions.

Something interesting about me
Fear depths, can't withstand to look down deep depths yet I love hiking
My favourite film
The gods must be crazy
The most exciting place I have visited
Soweto south Africa
Dave Gidney

Dave Gidney

Dave has a long history in both grassroots children’s ministry and training other leaders. He is an itinerant Bible teacher currently working with Moorlands, ForMission , and Birmingham Christian College teaching Biblical Studies, theology and Childrens Ministry to degree level. As a member of Children Worldwide he mentors Christian leaders, runs training events for children’s leaders, and runs children’s programmes for church weekends away and camps. He is author of several books and various articles and devotional readings. As well as all this, Dave is a father and grandfather.

Something interesting about me
I was once asked by some children in a group I was running whether I really live in Hollywood. At the time, I did. They were amazed, until they discovered that I lived in the one in England.
My favourite film
The Kings Speech
The most exciting place I have visited
Kimilili Kenya

The team

Mary Edley

Mary Edley

During the week, I am a Teaching Assistant in a SEN Primary School. On a Sunday I lead our Church's under 5s group, leading a team of volunteers working with our youngest Church family members ( and their Parent/Carers if needed too)

Something interesting about me
I like listening to musicals and going on Woodland walks.
My favourite film
Grease ( or any musical)
The most exciting place I have visited
Disney land paris
Anne Roche

Anne Roche

I have many years of experience working as a teacher and church children's pastor. I currently work as a children's counsellor and organise projects in deprived communities to benefit the mental health and wellbeing of families. I am trained to deliver recovery programmes for people and children who have high numbers of Adverse Childhood Experiences. I also worked with Dave Gidney to develop the Future Builders Children's Ministry training course and am a mentor for the programme.

Something interesting about me
I play bass guitar.
My favourite film
Mamma Mia
The most exciting place I have visited
Paul Willmott

Paul Willmott

PAUL Is married to Vanessa with two teenage children. He has been in full time ministry with Children and families since 1994, His passion is to present the life changing love of Jesus, in an engaging way, using the skills that God has equipped him with including; storytelling, ventriloquism, juggling and even occasionally riding a unicycle.

Along with speaking at church based events for kids and families, Paul also visits primary schools with lively whole school assemblies and RE lessons. Check out some recent assembly videos from Paul on YouTube with school assembly videos called "PAUL at HOME".

Something interesting about me
Having spent my childhood, "glued to the TV" (my mum's words) It was a real thrill to be invited to create a TV show for TBN UK. At their studios in London, we filmed a series of short TV shows called "2 Minute Twist" with my puppet Twist. See more from Twist on his YouTube channel called TWIST ONLINE
My favourite film
The 39 Steps
The most exciting place I have visited
A TV studio, filming "2 Minute Twist"
Alister & Sue Mitchell

Alister & Sue Mitchell

We have been members of Children Worldwide since its inception (so are getting on a bit now)! We have a passion to communicate with children, God's good news in Jesus, His love for them and how finding Jesus early in their lives will give them a sure foundation.

We live in Sevenoaks, Kent and are involved locally doing Primary School Assemblies and church based Children's work. On behalf of the church we also run an after school club for local primary schools (online during lockdown). We are also available for church weekends away (children's group) and Holiday Clubs.

Alistair teaches video one day a week at a local secondary school and Sue invigilates exams there. Alistair also has his own video business - filming school and local productions (which has been very quiet lately)!

We have five grown up children of our own - but no grandchildren to play with yet!

You can contact us at or, or via landline on: (01732) 452668

Something interesting about me
Sue is married to a clown!!! - Alistair is a certified clown! (ALMIT)
My favourite film
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The most exciting place I have visited
New Zealand
Sheri Gidney

Sheri Gidney

I've been a member of Children Worldwide for a couple of decades! Throughout that time I've been a self employed itinerant children's worker, employed as a church based Children's Minister and now as a Vicar. As part of regular parish ministry I take school assemblies, lead intergenerational worship and support excellent volunteers who lead our church based children's ministry.

Children Worldwide is a fabulous network to be a part of, like minded folk who just 'get it' and a prayer filled family to share the joys and challenges of ministry with. Its also a great place to share and receive ideas and training. I also really appreciate the accountability structure and pastoral support that is in place.

Something interesting about me
I don't enjoy being in the same room as a banana, I do love sprouts!
My favourite film
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
The most exciting place I have visited
Goa Goa Indian Restaurant in Cofton Hackett
Helen Dass

Helen Dass

Helen works with Andi and Holly and a brilliant team of volunteers at Kids UK. Working part time, she oversees the Kids UK Primary School Partnership which provides SMSC and RE workshops and mentoring to three schools as well as a link to a local church. Helen has worked as a Primary school teacher for many years and has experience in leading RE and Collective Worship in Faith and non Faith schools. She continues to work as a part time cover teacher. Helen has volunteered as a Sunday School leader for many years and has experience in organising Children's Summer Clubs.

Helen joined Children Worldwide after attending some online meetings and finding the team supportive, understanding, inspiring  and creative.

Something interesting about me
Helen absolutely loves dogs, but is allergic to them.
My favourite film
The Matrix
The most exciting place I have visited
The Himalayas.
Peter Edley

Peter Edley


Children Worldwide has been a big part of my life since I was 18 when I started volunteering to help at camps and at Whizz Kids - Spring Harvest.

I've been a member of Children Worldwide since 1996 after completing the Future Builders Course. I started as a full time self-employed itinerant worker supporting churches across the country, currently I volunteer as part of the children's team for my church, on a council estate in Sheffield, and occasionally run church weekends away for churches.

I have a love for telling people about the Gospel using magic tricks and puppets.

My current role within Children Worldwide is as part of the steering group.

Something interesting about me
I love technology, and love finding ways of giving old gadgets and tech a new life.
My favourite film
Star Wars.
The most exciting place I have visited
Bletchley Park.
Rachel Gidney

Rachel Gidney

Hi, my name is Rachel and I am the youngest Children Worldwide member. I have grown up being part of the Children Worldwide family including taking an active role in Whizz kids at Spring Harvest. I currently serve as a volunteer junior church leader and inter generational service leader in my local churches. I am at university training as a primary school teacher. I am part of Children Worldwide because it’s a place where I can gather wisdom and advice from those more experienced than myself and it’s also good to be part of the family.

Something interesting about me
I was born on pancake day
My favourite film
The Lion King
The most exciting place I have visited
Kimilili Kenya
Chris Hadley

Chris Hadley

A brief summery of what I do

For many years I did voluntary children’s work in my church. I graduated from Springdale Bible College in 2014 where I did a 3 year theology degree alongside a 3 year future builder course. Since then I have been in full time ministry. I currently work as a Family and Community worker at Bawtry Community Church. This involves doing an after school club, church outreach, children’s and youth ministry, holiday clubs, toddler groups, ladies groups and mentoring. More recently I have started to do events for the over 60s. I love to tell people about Jesus and how much He loves them and can make a difference to their lives. I had a bit of a rubbish past, however God transformed my life and he is now using my past to support others.

I became a part of Children Worldwide in 2011 as a part of the future builders course where I had to help out in the yearly conference with the children’s work. Since graduating, I became a full member. I love being a part of the Children Worldwide family.

A brief explanation of why membership of Children Worldwide is important to me

There is a fantastic wealth of experience and anytime I’m not sure how to do something there are people I can turn to and ask for help. Over the 10 years I’ve been a part of Children Worldwide I’ve made some amazing friends. They are always there for me when I need support whether to do with work or personal.

Something interesting about me
I have 6 brothers and 3 sisters, 20 nieces, 13 nephews, 26 great nieces, 21 great nephews, 2 great great nephews and 1 great great niece. Thankfully we don’t do presents! (And I have 2 grown up children.)
My favourite film
Lion King
The most exciting place I have visited
Volcano Teide in Tenerife
Paula Smith

Paula Smith

Paula visits schools (both mainstream and special needs, taking assemblies, running lunch time activity clubs, a Christian Union and class sessions on disability and different.
She is also, from time to time part of a team helping deliver RE lessons to Key Stage two pupils locally.

Something interesting about me
I once shared some of Princess Anne's wedding cake with a horse!
My favourite film
Wallace and Gromit
The most exciting place I have visited
Steve Morgan-Gurr

Steve Morgan-Gurr

My full-time ministry as a children's evangelist included many songs and puppets. Now 'retired' (sort of) and supporting my wife, Kay, in her ministry as well as training and encouraging others. I have the happy privilege of being Team Pastor for the Children Worldwide'family'.

Something interesting about me
Still a motorcyclist (mostly theoretical these days) with a collection of guitars and ventriloquist puppets.
My favourite film
5th Element (don't ask!)
The most exciting place I have visited
Venice and Greece for different reasons
Debbie May

Debbie May

I am a children and Families worker at St Paul's Church in Salisbury. I have been working with children and families in many different ways as a teacher, teaching assistant, family link worker and currently as an ELSA along side my current role. I love finding creative and fun ways of share God's message and feel privileged to walk alongside so many families.

Something interesting about me
I have crossed an avalanche and fallen down a glacier while on a prayer hike.
My favourite film
Power of One
The most exciting place I have visited
Andi & Holly Markham

Andi & Holly Markham

Andi Markham

Andi is a family man at heart, he is married to Holly and they have three daughters Ella, Grace and Lily-Mae. He is an experienced Children’s and Family Evangelist and a gifted and anointed communicator. By using the art of puppeteer, song writing and film making he is able to illustrate gospel truths clearly, vividly and in an unforgettable way.

Andi founded Kids UK in 2000 after completing his training with Children Worldwide. Since then he has seen many children and families radically changed by the power of God. Andi spends his time running the ministry of Kids UK, leading school assemblies, church events as well as producing the Kids UK resources.

Holly Markham

Holly is married to Andi and mother to their three daughter Ella, Grace and Lily-Mae. She is a born dancer and has group up attending dance schools and collecting numerous medals and awards over the years. Holly has a BA honours degree in Dance and has worked for a number of dance schools for several years prior to setting up DanceItOut in 2015.

Something interesting about me
Andi loves camper van and and once owned and 1978 classic VW bay.
My favourite film
Back to the Future
The most exciting place I have visited
We both love Cornwall and visit as often as we ca
Richenda Nuttall

Richenda Nuttall

Now working part time for a church in Penrith as a Families and children's worker. A member of the CW family for 15 years I have been involved in children's work as a volunteer as well as a paid worker and also done some independent work running church weekends story telling in schools. i love being able to share the gospel with children and believe churches need to be more involved in their local schools and community

Something interesting about me
As I have met with people from other parts of the world particularly Asia and Africa my name which is always a conversation starter has been easier for many of them to remember than it is for English people!!
My favourite film
Lion King
The most exciting place I have visited
Rob and Ruth Kinderman

Rob and Ruth Kinderman

Rob is English and Ruth is Belgian, they met doing youth and family work in Scotland. Both were working with young people before met. Rob for more then 30 years. We worked for churches, Kings Kids (YWAM) and for the last 10 years with Children Worldwide. Ruth is a girls Brigade Captain. We homeschooled our older 4 (our youngest of the 4 is at uni) and now we are starting again with the new little one. Our eldest is married and has a child of her own.

We have a heart for families and seeing young people in mission.

We do creative prayer, craft, screenprinting, circus skills, board games, drama and dabbled in various other areas.

Something interesting about me
Rob and Ruth knew someone for 9 years before they found out that they were related.
My favourite film
Dead poets society
The most exciting place I have visited
Too many
Kay Morgan-Gurr

Kay Morgan-Gurr

I am chair of the Children Matter Coalition, co-founder of the Additional Needs Alliance and part of the Evangelical Alliance council.

My passion is building spiritual resilience in children of all abilities. I do this as a consultant, advisor, trainer, and writer: whichever is needed within the contexts of children’s work, additional needs and disability.

I am a wheelchair user - with a sense of humour!
Am married to Steve, love to knit and crochet. Also an avid drinker of good [decaf] 'proper' coffee.

Something interesting about me
One of my relatives, way back in history, led the peasant's revolt....
My favourite film
The Martian
The most exciting place I have visited

Children Worldwide is part of the ministry of Family Foundations Trust
