Children Worldwide

Supporting you and your ministry with children and families.
Re:Connect 2025 is our annual conference. We welcome all Children Worldwide members, their families and other childrens workers to join us to take time out with God, to share stories to swap ideas and to encourage each other.

This year will be our 40th Anniversary and we will take time to celebrate the past, present and future of Children Worldwide.

This year's speaker

This year we have Mark Griffiths with us to help us to take time out with God.
He is is Dean at St Padarn’s Institute, leading an MA in Children, Young People and Families and training ordinands and curates for the Church in Wales.
He is married to Rhian and they have three grown up children. His PhD is in Child Evangelism. He is author of ten books and has spoken on the need to communicate Jesus to children and young people, nationally and internationally, for many decades.
Whole weekend is £180 for adults (but free to members), Single room supplement is £28 (but free to members). Day visitor is £80. Children (aged 5-17) are £90, Under-fives are free.

Booking Form

    People Attending


    Age (if under 18)

    Room requirements







    I/We will be attending the Conference for: -

    Payment Online

    FFT Ltd – Children Worldwide Sort Code: 40-52-40 Acc no: 00014066
    Mark it as conf pay & include your surname

    Children Worldwide is part of the ministry of Family Foundations Trust
